Vidai ceremony in wedding in Rajasthan is something that our team is very good at. We will tell you how? Vidai Ceremony is technically the one of the last wedding ceremony and after this the wedding ceremonies end .All the guests and the hosts go back to their homes. The real challenge starts for the bride . The anxiety of leaving the home that was home for so many numbers of years and entering a new territory almost ,is at times, too much to be handled. We make extra effort to make the bride, in the vidai ceremony calm ,happy and something great to looking forward to.
We at Splash Events with the help of, the bride, her family and her in-laws plan the vidai ceremony in wedding in Rajasthan in the most balanced manner. How do we do that?
- By balanced vidai ceremony we mean the realization that time that was spent in the parents’ house was beautiful and building on that the coming time in the groom’s house and her new house will be all the more beautiful.
- The decor, the music, the setting is created for vidai ceremony that the bride is happy for the time that has gone and happy also for the coming time with her husband and a new home.
- Let us accept in today’s times marriage is a well thought decision for the bride and grrom and their families. It is indeed a happy time for all the families. We at Splash events ideate vidai ceremony which includes fun and laughter as well.
- Vidai ceremony will have traditional Rajasthani theme. In vidai ceremony in wedding in Rajasthan, the theme is merged exactly the way you want it. In Rajasthani weddings during vidai ceremony folksong called Seekh songs are sung by bride’s family. These Rajasthani seekh songs give the advice to the bride in a musical manner and the folk touch adds to cultural charm as well to the vidai ceremony.
If you want to add more Rajasthani flavor in vidai in your destination wedding in Rajasthan, with our Rajasthani roots we can easily do that.